
Although it was not originally my intention, Sensuous Particulars has become, well, a pseudo-foodie blog. I'm surprised but satisfied with this hidden inclination of mine; food interaction is a daily catalyst to my creative processes...even if my microwave buttons are tellingly worn. The thing is, even Pop Tarts come in different flavors, and you could have a dozen conversations with a dozen strangers about your experiences with them. That, to me, is one of the values of food writing - its universal appeal and accessibility. The consistency of food as a character in our shared narrative gives colors to life beyond the day-to-day bare bones of our commutes, office chairs, and ATM receipts.

I could go on and on, but that would not be particularly delicious of me. Please pardon the philosophizing, but I'm all excited because Salon, one of my daily go-to sites, is launching a Food Section - <>. Francis Lam's introduction to this section sheds light on good things to come. I'd bet the butter that a recipe from Salon will find its way to Sensuous Particulars sooner than later.


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